Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to use mobile phones in public

Common courtesies to use the device in a responsible manner, having due consideration and respect towards the feelings of other individuals around. Some of the common mobile phone etiquettes are:

1.The mobile phone user should strictly adhere to the rules/regulations/orders/instructions as issued from time to time by the Government/Authorities in schools, colleges offices etc.

2.In public places, the mobile phone should be kept switched off or in vibration or silent mode, as per the instructions on the sign boards displayed by the Authorities in hospitals, airplanes, trains, buses, places of worship, cremation/burial grounds, auditoriums, cinema halls etc.

3.Mobile phones should not be used while driving.

4.In public places the mobile phone user should be considerate to people sitting or standing near him/her. He/she shall move away from the people so they are not forced to listen to his/her personal/business conversation.

5.Mobile phones should not be used to capture photographs of individuals without their knowledge and consent. It should not be used to take photographs in public places deemed private like swimming pools, gyms etc. Privacy of persons around the user of the camera phone should be respected.

6.Ringtones should be set at low volume and should not be annoying to the people around.

7.The mobile phone user should not send requests to television operators for scrolling their private SMSes on the screens of televisions.

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